miércoles, noviembre 11

Noviembre: mes de thanksgiving y pumpkin pie

To Mrs. Atwood, my 7th grade Writing teacher who's out there somewhere:
I just remembered that one writing exercise/piece where we had to focus on one of the 4 senses, and describe a setting/experience through that sense. Man, you were the coolest teacher. That was totally awesome. I chose the sense of smell and described a scene in my kitchen, baking pumpkin pie with my grandma, because that's the smell that is closest to being a memory all by itself.
I remember I was so proud of that one piece. You were never really expresive when it came to our writing, you just graded and gave pointers with the most uninterested of gestures. Except for that one time. There was no smile from you at all, but after class, you asked me if you could keep that copy to show your college students, because I had understood the assignment and was able to fully feel a memory through a smell.. or a smell through a memory? or the close relationship between the smell and the memory?
I don't really remember the exact words, but that's beside the point. The point, is that I knew for the first time that I'd done good. :) Hahaha. (well).

THEN, I wrote that short story about some magician in medieval era, and some magic feather at the top of a mountain that could make him fly so he could save.... someone/something. Man I was creative.
It's a shame, it seems our current society tends to tie creativity and maturity in an inversly proporcional relation (math talk). As an individual aproaches what is considered as "maturity", the individual gradually looses his/her grasp on creativity (people talk).
It doesn't have to be that way. Oh well.
I liked taking 7th grade AP Writing with you. I love the spanish language and vocabulary, but truth be told, I miss writing 100% in english.
I spit it out a lot easier. It comes more naturally. I guess because I started writing freely and creatively in english.
Right! I remember my 4th grade writing teacher: Mrs. Hackenbrus:
Sorry mrs. Hackenbrush but not many people liked you. They were scared of you and said you were old. I thought you were the best. We earned tickets throughout the month for reading log, participation, etc, and the last friday of the month, we could exchange the tickets for prizes in a little chest.
I hate to brag but we have to be honest here... I was definitely your best student. I always had the most tickets, got the best prizes, read a whole lot, anddd I remember I wrote the longest short story.
We had to write a story about a dog that took a trip in an air baloon. I wrote 20 pages! And Brittany Something wanted to write more than me so she wrote 21 but mine was totally better, and you thought so too cus it was MY story pinned up on Fielder Elementary's main Hall. :)
To all my writing teachers: weird huh? I now pursue a career that is not the least bit related to writing (although VERY related to reading). Such is life and I'm begining to love it.

pumpkin pie: courtesy of natalie dee

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